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Definition of mordant

– expressing harsh criticism especially in a way that is funny

Synonyms of mordant

acerb, acerbic, acidulous, acrid, barbed, biting, caustic, corrosive, cutting, sarcastic, pungent, sardonic, satiric (or satirical), scalding, scathing, sharp, smart-aleck, smart-alecky, smart-mouthed, snarky, tart

Antonyms of mordant

amusing, droll, merry, playful, sportive, waggish, diplomatic, polite

Examples of mordant in a Sentence

– Before I face my mordant mother-in-law at dinner, I must brace myself for her abrasive comments about my cooking.
– When the mordant president entered the boardroom, all of his vice-presidents readied for his sarcastic attacks.

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