Missiles Of India
List of Indian Missiles
It is a medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) developed by DRDO under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP) with a range of 700-1200 km capable of carrying a conventional payload of 1,000 kg or a nuclear warhead.
It is a medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) developed by DRDO under the IGMDP with a range of 2000-3000 km capable of carrying a conventional payload of 1,000 kg or a nuclear warhead.
It is an intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) developed by DRDO under the IGMDP with a range of 3500-5000 km capable of carrying a conventional payload of 2,000 to 2,500 kg or a nuclear warhead.
Agni-IV, earlier known as Agni-II prime, is an intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) developed by DRDO under the IGMDP with a range of 3200-3700 km capable of carrying a conventional payload of 800-1,000 kg or a nuclear warhead.
It is an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) developed by DRDO under the IGMDP with a range of 5000-6000 km.
Prithvi is a tactical surface to surface Short-Range Ballistic Missile (SRBM) developed by DRDO under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP). It has three versions:
→ Prithvi-I (SS-150): Army Version (150 km range with a payload of 1000 kg).
→ Prithvi-II (SS-250): Air Force Version (250 km range with a payload of 500 kg).
→ Prithvi-III (SS-350): Naval Version (350 km range with a payload of 1000kg).
Dhanush is reportedly a variant of Prithvi-III which has been developed for the Indian Navy. It is capable of carrying both conventional as well as nuclear warheads with pay-load capacity of 500 kg-1000 kg and can strike targets in the range of 350 km.
Astra is Beyond Visual Range (BVR) air-to-air missile. Astra is designed to be capable of engaging targets at varying range and altitudes allowing for both short-range targets (upto 20 km) and long range targets (upto 80 km) using alternate propulsion modes.
Akash is a medium range surface-to-air missile (SAM) defense system developed by DRDO and BEL as part of the IGMDP (Integrated Guided Missile Development Program). The missile can target aircraft up to 30 km away, at altitudes of 18000 m.
Trishul is a short range surface-to-air missile (SAM). The range of the missile is 12 km and is fitted with a 15 kg warhead. The weight of the missile is 130 kg.
Nag is India’s third generation “Fire-and-Forget” anti-tank guided missile (ATGM). It is an all weather, top attack missile with a range of 3 to 7 km.
K-15 Sagarika is a nuclear-capable submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM) with a range of 700 km. It belongs to the K Missile family. The latest test of the K-15 Missile was done on 11th March, 2012.
It is named on Indian river Brahmaputra and Russian river Moskva. BrahMos is a stealth supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft or land. It is a joint venture between India’s DRDO and Russian Federation’s NPO Mashinostroeyenia who have together formed Brahmos Aerospace Private Limited.
BrahMos Missile It is the world’s fastest cruise missile in operation. The missile travels at a speed of Mach 2.8 to 3.0. It has a range of 290 km. It can carry 300 kg of conventional or nuclear warhead.
A hypersonic version of the missile, BrahMos-II, is also presently under development with speed of Mach 7-8 to boost aerial fast strike capability. It is expected to be ready for testing by 2022.
Barak 8
Barak 8 is an Indian-Israeli long range surface-to-air missile (LRSAM). The missile has maximum speed of Mach 2 with a maximum operational range of 100 km. It has been designed to counter a wide variety of air-borne threats, such as; anti-ship missiles, aircraft, UAVs drones and supersonic missiles.
It is India’s indigenously developed all-weather, low-cost, long-range, subsonic cruise missile designed and developed in India by the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) which is under Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). It is capable of carrying conventional and nuclear war heads. Its range is more than 1000 Km. This missile has the flexibility to be launched from land, air and naval base.
Prahaar is a surface-to-surface guided short-range tactical ballistic missile capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warhead. It has an operational range of 150 km and an average speed of Mach 2.
The Shaurya Missile is a short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile developed by DRDO for use by the Indian Army capable of hypersonic speeds, it has a range of 750 – 1900 km and is capable of carrying a payload of one ton conventional or nuclear warhead.
Shaurya Missile is a land version of the under-water launched K-15 Missile, Sagarika.
Prithvi Air Defence (PAD)
Also known as Pradyumna, PAD is an anti-ballistic missile developed to intercept incoming ballistic missiles outside the atmosphere (exo-atmospheric). Based on the Prithvi missile, PAD is a two-stage missile with a maximum interception altitude of 80 km